Ground control to Major Tom
We called it project Moongate…. and little did we know it was the perfect moniker! I had wanted a moongate in our garden ever since my Mom left us. In ancient Asian lore walking through one brings a clarity and wisdom. In Bermuda it is told that newlyweds walking through them will bring a long marriage full of luck and wisdom and peace.
not sire how i would even craft such a thing, a friend mentioned using a trampoline base….. which brought to mind buried under 50 years of dirt and entangled in roots was some kind of piece of metal
On Mothers Day son #3 helped me dig this monster piece of metal up. It was two pieces clamped together…. and by gum…. it was going to be our Moongate!
A fabulous local welder welded the pieces together and created a foundation that we buried into the ground with 200 lbs of cement
The welder found a metal tag with serial number and a part name on it…. a search of it found that it is a payload fairing from…….A ROCKET-SHIP!
And so our Jungle Garden has even more personality and purpose. There IS a feeling of peace walking through it… and we have had some recent special luck… a kit given to me from a friend was put to use to make some bricks for the walkway…. t